heyy ya ! welcome to my blog . anyway im a newcomer in bloglovin, follow me :)
sorry , i have no topic . but just enjoy reading this one ! Its about colour in your life that are suitable to your body or not -.- . . huhhh !
1.Adjust the color of clothing in color.
(sesuaikan warna dengan tona kulit anda ! )
2 . Adjust the color of clothing with activities, time, and place. Dark colors usually used for formal occasions, while the bright colors for informal events.
( sesuaikan warna dengan masa , tempat dan aktiviti anda )
3 . Do not use clothing that consists of more than three colors.
( jangan guna warna lebih dari 3 warna ! )
4. If you must wear accessories, should be the same with the color of your footwear. For example, you apply a brown belt, then wear the brown shoes as well.
( kalau korang nak pakai aksesori , pilih warna yang sama dengan kasut anda . bukan baju . buat perbezaan warna . contohnya , bila kasot coklat , tali pinggang pun coklat :) mudahkan )
tone !
1. vermilion - warna terang
This color is a symbol of courage, active, and even aggressive. To see it, maybe someone will assess the condition of the red shirts are the hard and passionate. This color is perfect in the world of professionalism, because it has a strong effect. But color is not recommended as being in the interview event or interview. The colors have a dynamic and dramatic effect is great paired with gray.
This color is a symbol of courage, active, and even aggressive. To see it, maybe someone will assess the condition of the red shirts are the hard and passionate. This color is perfect in the world of professionalism, because it has a strong effect. But color is not recommended as being in the interview event or interview. The colors have a dynamic and dramatic effect is great paired with gray.
( Warna ini adalah lambang keberanian, aktif, dan juga agresif. Dengan melihatnya, mungkin orang akan menilai orang yang berbaju merah sedang dalam keadaan keras dan penuh gairah. Warna ini sangat sesuai dalam dunia keprofesionalan kerana memiliki kesan kuat. Tetapi warna ini tidak dianjurkan ketika sedang berada dalam acara interview atau wawancara. Warna yang memiliki kesan dinamis dan dramatis ini sangat sesuai dipadukan dengan warna kelabu.)
2. Pink - merah jambu
Many people this color symbolizes the love and affection and romanticism. These colors include one color highly avoided because many men consider to Feminism. Highly favored color of women are suitable for events dating and keromantisan. Effects posed by pink romantic are subject to change when combined with other colors, so solid padannya should more carefully. You can blend it with white color or other bright colors. Avoid mixes with darker colors.
Many people this color symbolizes the love and affection and romanticism. These colors include one color highly avoided because many men consider to Feminism. Highly favored color of women are suitable for events dating and keromantisan. Effects posed by pink romantic are subject to change when combined with other colors, so solid padannya should more carefully. You can blend it with white color or other bright colors. Avoid mixes with darker colors.
( Banyak orang melambangkan warna ini sebagai cinta dan kasih sayang serta romantisme. Warna ini termasuk salah satu warna yang sangat dihindari kaum lelaki kerana banyak yang menganggap dengan feminism. Warna yang sangat digemari para wanita ini sesuai untuk acara-acara kencan dan keromantisan. Kesan romantic yang ditimbulkan oleh pink ini boleh berubah ketika dikombinasikan dengan warna lain, jadi padu padannya harus lebih hati-hati. Anda boleh memadukannya dengan warna putih atau warna-warna terang lainnya. Hindari memadukan dengan warna gelap.)
3. light blue - biru muda
This color symbolizes the protective and defensive. Many people believe that this color can increase the wearer confidence. Posed nature of this color is formal, so it is suitable if applicable seconds formal events. If you want to impress more relaxed, then you can blend it with informally colors like purple.
This color symbolizes the protective and defensive. Many people believe that this color can increase the wearer confidence. Posed nature of this color is formal, so it is suitable if applicable seconds formal events. If you want to impress more relaxed, then you can blend it with informally colors like purple.
( Warna ini melambangkan protektif dan bertahan. Banyak orang yang percaya bahwa warna ini boleh meningkatnya kepercayaan diri si pemakainya. Sifat yang ditimbulkan dari warna ini adalah formal, jadi sangat cocok jika dikenakan saat acara-acara formal. Jika ingin terkesan lebih santai, maka anda bisa memadukannya dengan warna-warna tidak formal seperti ungu. )
4. dark blue - biru gelap
Because the feeling a deep, dark blue usually identical with grief. Color is great paired with light blue or white.
Because the feeling a deep, dark blue usually identical with grief. Color is great paired with light blue or white.
(Karena melambangkan perasaan yang mendalam, biasanya biru tua diidentikkan dengan kesedihan. Warna ini sangat cocok dipadukan dengan biru muda atau putih. )
5. yellow - kuning
The yellow color is the color additive concentration and symbolizes joy. Yellow can also mean friendship. Although many people do not really like this color because it was considered too flashy, but really you can work around this by combining yellow colors are more muted as pastels or bright yellow to dispel the impression of striking
The yellow color is the color additive concentration and symbolizes joy. Yellow can also mean friendship. Although many people do not really like this color because it was considered too flashy, but really you can work around this by combining yellow colors are more muted as pastels or bright yellow to dispel the impression of striking
( Warna kuning adalah warna penambah konsentrasi dan melambangkan kegembiraan. Kuning juga bisa berarti persahabatan. Walaupun banyak orang tidak terlalu suka dengan warna ini karena dianggap terlalu mencolok, tetapi sebenarnya anda bisa menyiasatinya dengan memadukan warna kuning dengan warna-warna yang lebih pucat seperti pastel atau kuning terang untuk menghilangkan kesan mencoloknya (nge-jreng nya). )
6. green - hijau
This color is much preferred by people because it gives the impression of coolness. Color that symbolizes nature is often used for wedding gowns and are very suitable for use during the evening atmosphere. For a bolder impression, you can combine with contrasting colors like yellow. But if you do not dare to appear prominently, the colors are brighter counterparts like white and light green would be very fitting combination.
This color is much preferred by people because it gives the impression of coolness. Color that symbolizes nature is often used for wedding gowns and are very suitable for use during the evening atmosphere. For a bolder impression, you can combine with contrasting colors like yellow. But if you do not dare to appear prominently, the colors are brighter counterparts like white and light green would be very fitting combination.
( Warna ini banyak disukai orang karena memberi kesan kesejukan. Warna yang melambangkan alam ini sering dipakai untuk gaun pengantin dan sangat cocok dipakai pada saat suasana sore hari. Untuk kesan yang lebih berani, anda bisa memadukan dengan warna kontras seperti kuning. Tetapi jika anda tidak berani tampil mencolok, maka warna-warna padanannya yang lebih terang seperti putih dan hijau terang akan sangat pas menjadi kombinasi.)
7. gray
This color symbolizes seriousness. Because these colors tend to be neutral it is not recommended that people wear gray from top to bottom. This will cause you to seem boring. Any dark colors can be combined with the gray because these colors will give the impression of calm.
This color symbolizes seriousness. Because these colors tend to be neutral it is not recommended that people wear gray from top to bottom. This will cause you to seem boring. Any dark colors can be combined with the gray because these colors will give the impression of calm.
8. black
9. brown
Brown is the color of the soil. Because it is natural, the color tends to match any color, especially if they match.
Effect arising from the color black is firm and strong. Although many consider the black color has a bad reputation, but you should not be afraid to use it. Black adults are often identified with the elegant-ness or something classic and timeless. Black is also the color most chosen by people obese because it can show the impression of look thinner. The colors such as red, silver, or stiletto makes colors more vivid.
9. brown
Brown is the color of the soil. Because it is natural, the color tends to match any color, especially if they match.
i never updating my blog for a long loong looong time, i had no time, i
had no ideas, ah but the point is just because i was so lazy. .
ok ! ciowwwww
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